부자부자 이야기/공부공부

[리얼클래스] 4월 19일 - 제 계획은요, 계획 표현하기

백만불라이언 2023. 4. 19. 22:35

I can’t believe it’s already almost halfway through the year.

벌써 거의  해의 절반이 지났다는  믿기지가 않는다.



It’s like a blink of an eye really.

눈깜빡할 사이야 진짜.



I guess it’s time to revisit my New Year’s resolution.

새해 다짐을  되돌아봐야겠어.



Are you doing anything particular this weekend?

이번 주말에  하는  있어?

*particular  [par] schwa 발음. [ti] 강조



There’s this art exhibition in Seoul that everyone’s been talking about. 

요즘 서울에 엄청 핫한 미술 전시회가 있어.



How about we meet up at Gangnam station about 2 pm this Saturday?

강남역에서 이번  토요일 2시에 만나는  어때?



What good is planning if things don’t go accordingly?

계획대로  흘러가면 계획이 무슨 소용이야?


cf. What are friends for? 친구 좋다는  뭐야. 



Did you know? Spontaneous travel makes you happier. 

그거 알아? 즉흥적인 여행이  행복하대.



Let’s not get hung up on planning per se.

계획하는  자체에 매몰되지 말자. 
