부자부자 이야기/공부공부

[리얼클래스] 4월 17일 - 분명히 말하는데, 주의 주기

백만불라이언 2023. 4. 19. 22:33

You don’t wanna do that.

 그러는  좋을걸



That’s not the road you wanna go down.

 방향으로 가지 않는  좋을걸



You’d better not. I mean it. 

하지 . 진심이야



That’s definitely a red flag right there.

그거 문제로 보이네.



If that’s not a signal, I don’t know what is. 

그게 신호가 아니면 뭐가 신호인지 모르겠네.



It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. 

그걸 알아내는 데에 천재가 필요하진 않아. 


It’s not rocket science. 

어려운 일이 아니야. 



My patience is wearing thin.

인내심이 거의  했어. 



You don’t get to say anything.

 말할 자격 없어.



Don’t make this any harder than it already is. 

 어렵게 만들지 . 
